Darklands 2020 is next weekend and we’ll be there to have an amazing weekend!
As always this is a huge undertaking for us and therefor it will have a few consequences for the store and webshop, as we will be bringing most of the Mr. S Leather gear with us.
For the webshop
- Shipment of Mr. S Leather products will be postponed, starting from 02/03/2020 until 10/03/2020.
- The stock displayed might not be up to date during that period, when possible, we will keep the Mr. S products that are ordered through the webshop, separate from our stock in the booth to ensure that you will receive your order.
- If you order a product that is not in stock, we will send you a e-mail to inform you about it. We will try to get your order complete as soon as possible.
For the store in Amsterdam
- On Saturday 07/03/2020 the store will be closed all day. All other days of Darklands, the store will be open as usual.